The story behind Combat-Judo

The story behind COMBAT-JUDO

Warning Clugston Combat Systems presents the Combat-Judo story. A story of 2 men with a lethal striking and grappling system.

Combat-Judo  has an in depth understanding of throws, wrestling, cranks and locks and a deep understanding of efficient, effective real world (no glove) striking. This is the result of 2 men: an Elite World  grappler: John Saylor and, an Elite Professional  striker: Christophe Clugston.  These two combined their expertise, science and experience to help you survive. Their personal bios are  on the trainers’ page

Combat-Judo is 134 years of Kano’s art, 10,000 hours  of personal training and countless real-world battles presented in a coherent, effective, efficient fighting system.

Starting with the work of Jigoro Kano (a true pioneer) in 1881 and then  continuing to the Pacific Theatre battlefields of WW II with the US Army Rangers, Marine Raiders and Alamo Scouts and, finally,  Saylor and Clugston’s own personal innovations and operational experience–the most advanced fighting system emerged.


Here is a documentary about the Marine Raiders

Every bit of Combat-Judo has been validated with combat science through real-world application–not in Sport but in War.

–Sgt Robert Carlin

We’ll help you become the best you can be. Choose the best–choose Combat-Judo.