‘Training is absolutely critical for self-defense. Under stress, you are always going to resort to your highest level of training’–Kris Paronto, Hero of Benghazi
For the High Performance Minded Person Full Spectrum 2024 Training Schedule
We will have a new location for training very soon. This will be in the USA. Get ready, no more excuses.
Check back often
Survival is not proportional to the number of techniques you know–it’s proportional to what you can apply under extreme stress.
Late April 2022
Dates and slots to be announce
Q COURSE and Pre Q Course
Location: USA TBA
Early May 2022
Dates and slots: 3 days to be determined in May 25 slots
Sierra Camp
Location: USA TBA
KICK ASS with Blunt Weapons
Examples: Broom, Hiking Stick, Walking Cane
at our
Blunt Weapon Course
Friday 7 to 9:00 pm,
Saturday Noon to 8pm,
Sunday 10am to 1pm
You will train in the best Commando Methods.
Be part of those who want to protect others and themselves better use the button below to secure your spot
Let’s recap
Dates: ?,?,? May 2021
Full Course 13 hours
Sierra Camp Begins ?May 7 pm
Location: Thailand (exact location to participants only)
13 hours of tactical training
Full Commando training
tactical answers you won’t get from MMA
learn to use blunt weapons from cane to carbine
Secure your spot
This is not a Sport.
Mid May 2022
Dates and slots open
Peru Camp
Location: Thailand
June 2022
Location: USA PRIVATE TRAINING was done
Dates: 11, 12, 13 June
Basic Kilo Course
Learn Commando Knife . Not 1 operator we trained has ever died in 25 years of H2H Warfare.
The best true Commando Knife Method, find out why.
Limited space, for new students.
This time–open to complete beginners.
Click on the first line below to learn more
Get Ready 2024
Dates and slots open contact via e mail to set up
Peru Course Unarmed, Blade, Blunt Weapon Training (READ THE DESCRIPTION OF PERU CAMP)
Location: Prescott AZ
Contact us to set up your training at clugstondefense @ yahoo. com (put it together and send us an email)
“If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.”
–General George S.Patton
To know more about Fluent Fighting Click Here
For the High Performance Minded Person
. Here’s what one of our Alpha Camp Grad said
And here is what a Kilo Grad said:
IMPORTANT: Updates will be posted as known. More Camps and Courses are coming. Deposits are mandatory, payment in full before attending and discounts for early pay to those on the e mail list. Discounts for new students bringing 2 or more new students with them.
* New students’ offer if you bring THREE paying people your cost is FREE.
*Cancellations must be done 2 weeks before event to receive money back all cancellations will result in a $90 logistics, accounting fee and must be done 2 weeks prior to event no refund if you fail to cancel 2 weeks in advance..