Look the facts are in
The USA is more dangerous than you think
That’s right. and I’m not going to hide the facts from you 
In the USA there is a murder every 60 seconds–yes, every minute someone is killed.
Look at these F.B.I. statistics.
And according to the FBI a violent crime is committed every 26.3 seconds.
Anyone, anywhere, can be a victim of a violent attack.
Violence has existed from the Stone Age to the Drone Age. It’s not going away. Your choice is what you’re going to do about it.
And here’s the truth…In the event of violence/home invasion/robbery
Your family is counting on YOU to protect them…No one can protect you and your loved ones better than you.
You deserve to be safe, enjoy life, live without fear, and possess more skill than the bad guys.
We provide the finest professional training to solve sudden, unavoidable, extreme violence.
And we’re here to help you do that. We can increase your safety level and ability to protect your family in 3 short days.
Choose to defend yourself.
We specialize in giving you skills to neutralize lethal violence–stop the robber, the carjacker, the home invader, the kidnapper. You’ll learn Serious Skills to handle the most dangerous conditions–so you can keep your family and yourself safe.