Combat-Judo new or old?

Currently I am in the Philippines.  I am here primarily to get some stick fighting in and after that to do a bit more research on the Filipino connection to Combat-Judo.  And that leads us to an interesting point: is Combat-Judo old or new?


Well the real answer is it’s both.  It owes its lineage to 1881 before Kano actually started the Kodokan and then to World War 2.  From there it has the US Marines, the US Army Rangers, the US Army Alamo Scouts, the Japanese Army and the Filipino resistance fighters who ALL added different components to Combat-Judo.  Now, to get that World War 2 reality I have been to some of the areas of major battles during the fight for the Philippines and the ultimate loss of the USA of the islands.


This was “Jungle Warfare” on the gruesome hand to hand level–this is what was the predecessor to the Indochina jungle wars.  Believe me Jungle Fighting is far different than fighting in a large sandbox.  The chance for hand to hand was enormous.  You just didn’t have clear vision or intel on what was going on in the jungle–it’s the most obscured terrain to fight in that there is. It offers the most chances for hand to hand fighting that there is–arctic and sandboxes don’t have that danger


From that time forward Combat-Judo had remained dormant–that is until Clugston and Saylor decided it was time to revive a very efficient combatives method.


What we can say is that if you are interested in  the history and the future of Combat-Judo then you should get on the email  list as we will mention to the list about an upcoming seminar.  This seminar will be a Introduction to Combat-Judo.  Full attendees will receive certificates to their accomplishment and earn credit towards increasing rank in Combat-Judo.  We aim to spread this incredible fighting art.


So there’s a little update and some hope for those that have heard of Combat-Judo.  We readily welcome you to embrace the power you can gain with this system..


Lead Trainer Clugston

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