Lies Cleared Tactical/Combat Knife Reviews Fighting

If you have spent much time looking for information about tactical and combat knives it’s no doubt that you’ve run into several Youtube channels devoted to these topics. There seems to be a great deal of confusion from the reviewers what is an appropiate knife for defense vs what is a combat knife. Lots of this has to do with their lack of operational experience. Most of the reviewers are quick to mention that they don’t have knife training and are not experts in combat. So, in a way why then are they reviewing fighting knives?

In contrast you have many self claimed experts who tell you how to knife fight. The reality is that many are outdated systems that are more for show (and used in movies) than for reality. Then there are those who have demonstrated knife against an unarmed opponent. This is not a system of knife fighting. It’s knife attacking–and it hardly needs instruction.


In keeping with our highest value TRUTH I have decided to name names and go through more details.

Watch my video to get the dirt.

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