The Commando Knife
There’s a lot of talk about what makes a good Commando Knife. The reality is that most of it is being said by guys who have no idea about Commando missions. They are confused Bushcrafters or non operational knife users.
Most of these guys have prejudices that they cannot explain in a rational way. They also don’t know what operational tests are important for combat knives.
Lots of the tests these detractors perform have no bearing on what the knife is designed for. Look if you try to use a F1 race car in the snow or off road guess what is going to happen?
That’s right it won’t perform well. And why is that?
Because it is designed for going very fast on a track and aking g forces that an off road vehicle or snowmobile cannot withstand let alone replicate.
So let’s take a look at some of the better views of the knife we use in all of our Commando Kilo Knife Courses:
the Glock Field Knife.
USe the link below to see more about this Commando Knife